Metcelerate at Copper Cobalt Africa Conference and WMC 2023

During the month of June, Jan Cilliers, Romke Kuyvenhoven and Kathy Sole participated in the Copper Cobalt Africa Conference organized by SAIMM in Livingstone, Zambi. A few weeks later, Elaine Whitman, Diana Drinkwater, Bob Seitz, Cathy Evans, Jenny Wiese, Jan Cilliers and Rebecca Reaburn attended the World Mining Congress 2023 in Brisbane, Australia.

From left to right: Jan Cilliers (Metcelerate Director and CFO); Romke Kuyvenhoven (Spanish Program Director) and Kathy Sole (Hydrometallurgy Course Instructor and Copper Cobalt Africa 2023 Conference Chair), at the formal Conference Dinner sponsored by Metcelerate
From left to right: Elaine Whiteman (Process Mineralogy instructor); Diana Drinkwater (Metcelerate Director and CEO); Bob Seitz (Metcelerate Director and CTO); Cathy Evans (Process Mineralogy instructor) and Jenny Wiese (English Program Director) at the WMC 2023, sponsored by Metcelerate

Jan Cilliers, Romke Kuyvenhoven and Kathy Sole gave presentations at the Copper Cobalt Africa 2023 Conference in beautiful Livingstone, in Zambia, right next to the Victoria Falls. Around 300 professionals, primarily from Southern Africa countries such as Zambia, DRC, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa, attended the first-class conference organised by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Many African mining companies attended the conference: Anglo American | Anvil Mining Congo | ERG Africa | Exxaro Resources | First Quantum Minerals | FQM Trident | lencore| Ivanhoe Mines| Kamoa Copper | Kamoto Copper| Kansanshi Mining PLC | Katanga Mining| Khoemacau Copper Mining | Kibali Gold Mine| Kobaloni Energy | Konkola Copper Mines | Lubambe Copper Mine| MMG Munali Nickel Mine | Omico | Mining Wakanda Resources.

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Two weeks later, the World Mining Congress took place in Brisbane, Australia, with more than 3000 attendees. The Congress was hosted by CSIRO. Inaugurated in 1958, the World Mining Congress (WMC) is the leading international forum for the global mining and resources sectors.

For the past 60 years WMC has been held triennially across the world. It presents a unique opportunity for international representatives of the world’s leading resource economies to meet, find new partners, discuss challenges, and share research, technologies, and best practice.

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